Death Valley Region Vol. 1


Using numerous photographs, maps, and newspaper excerpts, the story of Native Americans at first contact with white men, lost 49’er emigrants, explorers, early prospectors and miners, freighters, and gold-silver-lead mining booms at Panamint, Darwin, and elsewhere are covered. It is a story driven by the prospects of mineral wealth. Borax mining and the 20-mule teams are presented. Death Valley characters such as Death Valley Scotty, Chief Tecopa, William Lyle Hunter, prospector Jean Lemoigne, authoress Carmen Austin, Philander and Leander Lee, Ned and Pat Reddy, entertainer Martha Camp, and freighter Remi Nadeau are discussed. This is the first book of a trilogy that covers the history of the Death Valley region from 1829 to the present.

4 in stock

Additional information

Weight 1.6 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 0.625 in