A Prehistory and History of the Death Valley Region’s Native Americans and the Environments In Which They Lived


The environment’s (geology, climate, rivers and lakes, vegetation, and animals) from 28,500 years ago to the present are presented in order to identify the multiplicity of challenges Native Americans had to meet. For those timeframes, topics discussed include: weapons and tools, projectile points, plant and animal food sources, medicines, trade, petroglyphs, pictographs, rock structures; including geoglyphs, pottery, basketry, relations with other tribes, and legends. Tribes highlighted include Timbisha Shoshone, Pahrump Paiutes, Desert Kawaiisu, and Chemehuevi. Interviews with prominent Native Americans are presented. Chronological historic events and Native Americans roles complete the book.

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Weight 2.1 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 0.75 in